Sunday, July 6, 2008

Is God Green?

"Is God Green?" explores how serious environmental issues have caused a split among conservative evangelicals. Issues such as global warming, mountain top coal mining, and toxic pollution has caused some people of faith to wonder if we've failed to keep our covenent in being "good stewards" of the earth (Genesis 2:15, Revelation 11:18). But not all see it the same way, and some evangelicals and politicians worry about what it would mean if Christians started voting more "green."

Watch the video here.

Environmentalists and their politically progressive allies have long dismissed conservative evangelical Christians as repressive moralists and industry apologists. The suspicion and hostility are mutual: evangelicals see environmentalists as godless, anti-human pagans and socialists.
But relations are slowly thawing -- in part thanks to, well, thawing. As glaciers and ice shelves melt, the existential danger posed by global warming has become impossible to ignore. In February, 86 evangelical leaders signed a statement calling on believers to join the fight against climate change. Read a Grist Magazine series special on, "God & the Environment."